Chocolate hazelnut biscotti. Good with a book!
Chocolate hazelnut biscotti. Good with a book!
I set out to bake this rhubarb cake with the leftover rhubarb in my garden, only to discover I didn’t have enough fruit. So I checked the freezer for leftover strawberries. Only one in the bag! Threw in the remaining handful of frozen blueberries too. Now there were only a few peach slices in the bag. Why not? Voilà! This is a rhubarb strawberry blueberry peach cake! If you like dessert, check out It Happened on Sweet Street!
A Strawberry Rhubard Pie-Galette hybrid. My friend Sharon showed me this trick of using ALL the left over pastry. The rhubarb is this spring’s first crop. And if you like sweets, you might like It Happened on Sweet Street!
Lemon and Black Pepper Biscotti, perfect for springtime tea, or to nibble with a sweet book: It Happened on Sweet Street.
This is the birthday cake that became a tradition in our family. It was originally baked every year by my son’s Hungarian babysitter, whom he called Baba. After she died, her daughter passed on to me Baba’s treasured, inexact recipe, which works perfectly every time! The line of strawberries is de rigueur! Enjoy! And if you like desserts, check out my new picture book, It Happened on Sweet Street!
Dessert du dimanche! Three fruit cakes: Blueberry Cornmeal, Ginger Plum, Peach and Blackberry. I baked these to celebrate Connecting Writing Women, a group I co-founded to bring Canadian women writers together with new immigrant women writers. Enjoy! And if you like desserts, check out my new picture book, It Happened on Sweet Street!
In honour of the upcoming publication of It Happened on Sweet Street (7 July 2020), I will be posting some pictures of desserts I have myself created, or enjoyed. This is a Black Forest Cake with black and amarena cherries, whipped cream, shaved dark chocolate and kirsch that I made this week for my son’s 21st birthday! Please have a piece!
Hey kids! Enter this Owlkids Books contest to win one of three FREE copies of Pierre & Paul: Avalanche! Click here for details!
It’s such a thrill when the finished book arrives! Thank you so much Owlkids Books for publishing this series that I originally wrote 15 years ago to help my son when he started French Immersion. Thank you Alice Carter for bringing these kids to life!
Thanks to the 49th Shelf for including The Mostly True Story of Pudding Tat, Adventuring Cat on its middle-grade Christmas wish list! Read the whole list here!